New Skincare Routine

Whether you have a cabinet full of beauty products or keep your skincare routine simple, the importance of cleansing, moisturizing and hydrating your face is a hot topic. While facial wash, toner, moisturizer, and sunscreen cover the basics, what about skincare for the rest of the body?
Start with treating all of your skin, not just your face
Not enough attention is given to skincare from the neck down, especially personal areas that are typically too taboo to discuss (labia and scrotum, we’re thinking about you!). If you’re suffering from age spots, blemishes or hyperpigmentation on these areas, it can be challenging to find a product that’s both gentle and effective.
The solution: BLASS
Enter BLASS, the first of its kind, all-natural lightening stick that can be applied safely in the most intimate areas. Your body naturally sheds old skin cells, and if BLASS is used consistently, new cells will have less melanin and therefore, a lighter color.
For optimal results:
For best results (up to 3 to 4 shades lighter), BLASS should be used once daily for at least 8 to 10 weeks. The all-natural bleaching agent treats age spots, liver spots, hyperpigmentation, birthmarks, blemishes, melasma, scarring, discoloration formed by acne, surgery, burns or piercings. And it’s gently formulated to be applied directly on all intimate areas.